Classical Maize Papers

Inheritance in Maize by E.M. East and H.K. Hayes. 1911

Improvement in Corn by H.K. Hayes and E.M. East. 1911

A Summary of Linkage Studies in Maize: Memoir by R.A. Emerson, G.W. Beadle, and A.C. Fraser. 1935

Translocations and Inversions by A.E.Longley, 1961(WARNING: pdf 37.8 MB)

Papers from the Stadler Symposia from 1969 - 1983

1975 Doctoral Dissertation by Takeo Angel Kato Yamakake, 1975 (Available here with permission of the author)

Discussions in Cytogenetics by C. R. Burnham, sixth printing, 1980

Maize for Biological Research by Dr. Bill Sheridan (1982)

Nuclear and Chromosomal DNA Amounts by Michael D. Bennett,1995