Maize Genetics Cooperation Maize Genetics Cooperation


Maize Genetics Meeting Steering Committee Charge

Section I: Purpose of the Maize Genetics Meeting Steering Committee

The Maize Genetics Meeting Steering Committee (MGMSC) shall be responsible for the organization, content, and execution of the Annual Maize Genetics Meeting (MGM). The MGMSC is a committee within the Maize Genetics Cooperation (MGC), Inc. and will work with the Board of Directors to contribute to annual budget development, and implement contracts and legal obligations related to the annual conference.

Section II: Organization of the Maize Genetics Meeting Steering Committee

The MGMSC shall consist of 10 career scientist members who will serve 4-year terms and who have voting rights as needed to support MGMSC activities. Each year, the Maize Community will submit member nominations to the MGMSC. The MGMSC will then select members with consideration of maintaining balance of membership (balanced representation of region, gender, industry and academia, etc.). In addition, one voting graduate student and one voting post-doc member will be nominated to serve on the MGMSC via an election by their peer groups within the MGC. Each postdoc and graduate student member will serve a one year term, starting at a MGM and completing at the end of the subsequent MGM. Each year the MGMSC shall elect one of the 1st or 2nd year career scientist members as co-chair for the MGMSC. The co-chair will assume chair responsibilities in the subsequent year. The outgoing chair will remain on the committee for 1-year to provide guidance to the incoming chair. Ex officio members of this committee include the Treasurer of the MGC BOD to facilitate efficient and clear communication on meeting-related finances; 1-2 career scientists who work at MaizeGDB and provide web and digital support, abstract book support and pre-meeting workshop organizational support; and 1 career scientist with extensive expertise in planning MGMs. In addition, the conference coordinator from an external entity will participate in SC activities.

Section III: Activities and Responsibilities of the Maize Genetics Meeting Steering Committee

The activities assumed by the MGMSC include, but are not limited to:
  1. Defined MGMSC activities for the MGC including, but not limited to:
    1. Inviting plenary and short-talk speakers
    2. Selecting and coordinating venues in coordination with the Board of Directors
    3. Organizing the MGM program
    4. Advising, but not necessarily supervising award, and financial support programs (e.g. MaGNET, PUI and Disciplinary Breadth awards) as well as coordination with BOD regarding MGC awards presented at the MGM (e.g. McClintock Award, Career Achievement Awards, etc.)
    5. Advising, but not necessarily supervising ad hoc activities related to the MGM such as pre-meeting workshops, tours, and other events or visits
  2. Coordinating with the Board of Directors to fundraise to finance the MGC including, but not limited to:
    1. Meeting grant application(s) shall be submitted to federal agencies in coordination with the Board of Directors
    2. Donations shall be solicited from companies and organizations (e.g. industry, commodity boards, etc.)
  3. Convening an annual MGMSC planning meeting to coincide with the annual Maize Genetics Meeting to facilitate MGMSC functions, including:
    1. A meeting agenda shall be distributed to all committee members ahead of the meeting
    2. Assignment of an MGMSC member to serve as co-chair for the subsequent MGM
    3. Venue contract negotiation discussions for subsequent two MGMs and planning for venue for MGM in three years
    4. Minutes of the meeting taken by the current co-chair shall be archived
  4. Maintaining contemporary guidelines (documented and accessible within the Maize Meeting Organization Dropbox folder) to direct decisions regarding but not limited to:
    1. Inviting speakers, with consideration of scientific merit, gender and topic balance, and career development
    2. Selecting venues, with consideration of international participation, inclusiveness, tax-exempt status and environmental sustainability
    3. Organizing the MGM program, with consideration of breadth of topics for talk and poster sessions, pre-meeting workshops, events for broadening participation, community forums (in collaboration with MGC BOD), and inclusion of sustainable and environmentally friendly measures during execution of meeting
    4. Broadening Participation, including increasing virtual presence of MGM
  5. In coordination with the Board of Directors Treasurer and Chair, report on the efficacy of the meeting program and assist summarizing final expenses, in part by initiating
    1. Annual MGM Attendee Survey
    2. Annual meeting of MGMSC and MGM BOD to discuss outcomes of meeting, expenses, next steps, etc.