USDA-ARS Members
Image Name Role Expertise Contact
Carson Andorf Computational Biologist Genomics, maize diversity, bioinformatics, tool development
Ethy Cannon Computational Biologist and Bioinformaticist Genome assembly stewardship, integrated gene model data, coordination across genome data portals
John Portwood IT-Specialist Website/Database/Systems Administration, tool development
Margaret Woodhouse Computational Biologist, sequence curator Bioinformatics, genome curation.

Non-federal Members
Image Name Role Expertise Contact
Jack Gardiner Curator Microarrays, RNA-Seq, gene expression, physical and genetic mapping, epigenetics, podcasts
Rita Hayford Post-doctoral Fellow Bioinformatics, Genomics, Gene and Genome Curation
Olivia Haley Post-doctoral Fellow machine learning; protein function; food safety; protein-protein interaction

Image Name Role Expertise Contact
Shatabdi Sen Graduate Student Genetics, genomics, computational biology

Image Name Role Expertise Contact
Sagnik Banerjee Former Graduate Student Genome assembly and annotation, RNA-Seq
Darwin Campbell Former IT-Specialist Systems Administration, IT management, logistics coordinator
Lisa Harper Curator & Outreach Coordinator Emeritus Plant development, phenotypes, meiosis, cell biology, cytogenetics, outreach
Kyoung Cho Former Graduate Student Interface development, machine learning
Carolyn Lawrence-Dill Former Lead Scientist Bioinformatics, plant biology, computer science
Nancy Manchanda Former Graduate Student B104 Genome, genome assembly and annotation
Mary Schaeffer Curator Emeritus Functional annotation and ontologies; phenotypic variations; metabolic networks; genetic and physical maps.

MaizeGDB Working Group

Alice Barkan
Qunfeng Dong
Candice Hirsch
David Jackson
Thomas Lubberstedt
Dorrie Main (Chair)
Marty Sachs*
James Schnable
Mark Settles

* These close collaborators serve in an ex officio capacity on the Working Group.