MaizeGDB Image Browsing

The site includes a large collection of images, contributed by a wide variety of sources. To make finding the image you want easier, the images are broken down into groupings below.

Search Images By Phenotype: This tool lets you sort through the images based on the expressed phenotypes. This is especially useful for casual users, as you can select for particular features that you want to see and view images of these, and then trace this information directly back to the genetic source.

Search Images of Traits: View and filter images of various corn traits, along with captions.

Search Images of Pests: You can search through images of pests and their effects on maize plants, and filter these based on names or features.

Search Gel Pattern Images: You can search through our gel pattern images, filtering for approximate genome location and probing method.

Search Mutant Images: You can search through images of mutants with this tool, and filter these based on the mutants you're interested in.

Guide to Maize Mutant Phenotypes MG Neuffer and associates

Download all of Neuffer's high-resolution Maize Mutant images

You may also be interested in RescueMu mutant phenotypes from the Maize Gene Discovery Project.

You may also be interested in EMS phenotypes from the Maize Inflorescence Architecture Project that were produced in defined inbred backgrounds by Gerry Neuffer.

We Want Your Images

If you have images that would fit in the categories on the left, we would love to add them to the database! In return, we will provide clear and prominent accreditation for these images. Just use the feedback option on the far right of the menu and describe what images you would like us to take in!