Variation (Polymorphism/Allele) Data in MaizeGDB

Simple Variation Search
Advanced Variation Search
Nomenclature guidelines

Simple Variation Search: This search form allows you to enter a name or partial name to quickly retrieve the desired variation.
Use the wildcards '%' or '*' to find matches that contain your search term. '^' at the beginning of search term will find matches that start with that term. '$' at the end of search term will find matches that end with that term.

If you're looking for the expression of a variation, such as red kernel, try a phenotype search.

(see a sample variation query)
    (upper limit on results is 2,000 records)
Display records per page.

Advanced Variation Search

Set Up Criteria

Check the boxes next to the fields you want to search; if you just want to find records that have any value for that attribute, check the box and leave the criteria alone. You can use % or * as a wildcard in the text fields.

of :
variations caused by
variations of
that express (AND)
that express
available in (check the box and leave the text field blank for all variations with a stock)

    (upper limit on results is 2,000 records)

You may also be interested in RescueMu mutant phenotypes from the Maize Gene Discovery Project.

You may also be interested in EMS phenotypes from the Maize Inflorescence Architecture Project that were produced in defined inbred backgrounds by Gerry Neuffer.

Discussion of Variation Data for the General Public