Linking to MaizeGDB: Details on MaizeGDB's API

What follows are details on how to link your website to MaizeGDB. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to leave us a feedback.

Linking to the Homepage
You can link to the homepage using the following URL:
For those unfamiliar with HTML code, just copy and paste the line below into your web page:
     <a href="">MaizeGDB</a>

Linking to Loci
Linking to gene names is simple; you can use the following URL:
then merely append the gene name on the end of the URL. [e.g. bz1]

Linking to Gene and Gene Models
Linking to gene model pages is also simple; you can use the following URL:
then merely append the gene model name [e.g. GRMZM2G165357,bz1,ZEAMMB73_023906] on the end of the URL.

If you have further linking needs, please leave us a feedback.