EST Data in MaizeGDB

Simple EST Search

This search form allows you to just enter basic name info to quickly retrieve the desired EST.

Use the wildcards '%' or '*' to find matches that contain your search term. '^' at the beginning of search term will find matches that start with that term. '$' at the end of search term will find matches that end with that term.

If you want to search by gene name, like bz1 or wx, try the locus search.

(see a sample EST query)

    (upper limit on results is 2,000 records)

The above search provides an example of the type of search you can do; it returns a listing of ESTs from the 486 library of the Maize Gene Discovery Project ("std" is short for Stanford, in this case). Other interesting searches include p-std606% (the 606 library) and %606001A02% (a specific member of the 606 library).

Mapped ESTs: This utility displays the map locations of the ESTs in the database. You can obtain this information by chromosome (1-10, below) or all together (All, creates a very large table which will take a while to download and may cause issues with some browsers).
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | All

Our Policy on Ordering Clones

MaizeGDB does not distribute maize clones. Read on for more information about clone ordering.

If you are interested in clones that were submitted by Virginia Walbot, these clones are available at Be sure to have the GenBank record for the clone ready when you order, as you'll be required to fill in information from the record.

Discussion of EST Data for the General Public