Annotation Login
Annotation Login:
Session Length: Choose '1 Year' if you are using your own workstation

Note: We are not accepting new annotation accounts at this time and the form below has been disabled
Create An Annotation Account:

Fill out the information below to create an MaizeGDB annotation account. With this account, you can annotate the records presented here. All fields are required. After you fill out this form and click on the "Submit" button, an email will be sent to the email address you provided. In that email will be a link; simply click on the link in the email (or paste that link into your web browser) and your account will be activated.

The username is the name you will use to log on so that you can annotate.
The password is used to identify you, along with your username, when you log in.
A password reminder will be emailed to you if you forget your password, to help you remember.
Remember, your email address must be a correct address, or else you won't be able to create an account!

A True Community Database: Public Annotation In MaizeGDB


The MaizeGDB public annotation system allows visitors to the site to add annotations to specific points of data on the site and receive credit for these annotations. In essence, it allows the site to become a tool for the sharing of information and connection of people in the maize community with common interests.

Using the System

The system is designed to be simple to use. All public annotations are available to all visitors; the record page for a specific piece of data shows all of the public annotations provided for that record.

Similarly, adding new annotations is quite easy. Just log in to the annotation system and visit a record you want to annotate; near the top of that record is a link to add your own annotation (it's just below the name of the record). Click on that link, add your annotation to the window that appears, and it's added! The next time you visit that record, your annotation will be available!

You can return and edit your annotations later, as well as delete ones that are out of date, using the preferences link found on any page on the site (this becomes visible when you log in).

Examples of Uses

Sharing information: This tool is perfect for sharing information such as homologies, verifications of data, sequence notes, useful URLs, or other information relevant to specific pieces of data.

Finding researchers with similar interests: If you're investigating a topic, add a note saying so to that record. When others visit the site, they'll immediately see your note of interest; this allows researchers to quickly connect to each other on specific points of interest.

Getting Started

Getting started is easy! Just create an account and then visit a record of interest to you!