Request form for the Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center (MGCSC)

The MGCSC specializes in maize genetic stocks. Please direct your requests for inbred lines and other germplasm to NCRPIS or CIMMYT.

If you have any problems making a request or using this form, please e-mail us at [email protected] for assistance.

Note: The purpose of the MGCSC service is to provide cooperators with enough seeds so that they can grow up genetic stocks of interest. We are happy to supply a small amount (10 - 20 kernels) for each stock requested, free of charge. Larger quantities of any stock cannot be supplied, nor will the same stock be sent repeatedly to the same individual or institute. Certain stocks such as UFMu, or RILs and other large populations will be sent only once per institute or location.

The MGCSC tries to send the requested material out within two working days. If you require more than 25 different stocks, it may take some additional time to fulfill your request. It may not be possible for the MGCSC to handle a request for more than 60 stocks (or for 25 from outside of the USA). If a large number of stocks is needed, special arrangements can be made; please contact the MGCSC.

During the height of planting preparation (April and May) and pollination season (July and August), it may take a bit longer to handle a request. If it is an emergency, indicate this in the "Special instructions" field below.

STEP 1: Select stocks to request
You can enter stock names directly below, add an optional comment (for example, indicate your desired background) then click 'add', or search stock records, or browse the stock catalog.

Stock names are validated against the database of MGCSC stocks. If the stock is found, its descriptive name will be added to the box below.

If the stock(s) you wish to order is not listed in the MGCSC catalog, enter the name(s) in the "Special instructions" box below and MGCSC personnel will attempt to find the germplasm for you.

If you have multiple stock request forms open, be sure you submit the most current form containing your full list of stocks.

* Stock request:

Enter a stock name:
Comments on this stock:
Or select from the list of available stocks or search stocks
STEP 2: Enter shipping information
* Name
Phone Required if outside the US
* Address Note: Please be sure that you've entered your full
mailing address (including university, institute or
company name; department; building and/or street address;
city; state or province; and postal code).
* Country
* E-mail
instructions or
for request
STEP 3: Submit your request to the MGCSC
